Organic Vitamin C

It is a well-known fact that health is wealth. The health of an Organic Vitamin C individual is of much more worth than that of other things, as it allows people to carry out their daily tasks. Thus, you should eat healthy food, in order to keep the body fit and fine. Healthy food includes foods which are rich in nutrients, like vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and proteins. However, you should avoid inorganic food, which is often laden with chemicals. These chemicals are very harmful to the body and can lead to deteriorating health.

Many people buy vitamin supplements which can help in fulfilling the needs of the body. However, several vitamin supplements are synthetically prepared from seashells, corals, and rocks. Chemicals, such as the likes of calcium carbonate, calcium citrate and more, are derived from these objects. Even though these chemicals are from natural objects, they still aren’t organic in nature. In organic vitamins, no such chemicals are found. It is good to remember that our bodies are able to use nutrients from natural foods, but not from synthetic ones. Thus, organic vitamins are what you should be really consuming.

Why use organic vitamins?

Organic vitamins are useful in more than one way. Some of these ways are listed below.

Free from harmful chemicals

Organic vitamins can be used by the body, as they do not contain any chemical compounds. Often, many vitamin supplements sold in the markets contains chemical compounds, which aren’t really good for the human body. Such chemicals can even be toxic to the body and can also cause diseases. Thus, organic vitamins are the best supplements to go for.

Better eyesight

Organic vitamins are required for enhancing and maintaining good eyesight. These help in avoiding eyesight-related maladies like cataract, night blindness, and glaucoma. Eating vegetables, like spinach, carrots, and collard greens can help in improving the eyesight since these food items are enriched with organic vitamins. Also, these veggies are really helpful in building the immune system in children. They even protect people by fighting malignant cells that cause cancer!

Ensures the proper working of the heart and manages blood pressure

Organic vitamins are very helpful for cardiac patients, as it can help them by regulating their blood pressure. This will ensure the proper working of the heart and reduces the chances of a heart attack. Also, these vitamins help in making the skin free of wrinkles and making them look younger. Thus, eggs and tuna are an important part of a diet.

Faster hair growth and protection from different types of cancer

Cancer is a really horrifying disease, which results in the body slowly withering away. No one wants to contract such disease, obviously. Thus, intake of organic vitamins is the best way to prevent this horrible disease. Vitamin E is found in olives, sunflower seeds, and almonds, and can be of immense help in this regard. Also, this vitamin makes both the hair and the skin look younger and beautiful.

Better nutrient absorption

Some nutrients, such as phosphorus and calcium, are absorbed by the intestines. Vitamins present in foods like cheese, mushroom and salmon can assist in the easy absorption of nutrients. These nutrients, besides reducing stress, can also help in reducing muscle cramps.

Faster cell production

Vitamin B6 helps the body in the production of cells. Another thing that this vitamin does is that it helps in maintaining the immune system of the body, which enhances the body’s chances to prevent diseases. Also, vitamin B6 hones the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 promotes the growth and maintenance of Leucocytes, which are commonly known as white blood cells. These cells produce antibodies which protect the body from diseases. Also, B6 helps in reducing stress and hormonal balance. This vitamin can be obtained from fishes, carrots, bananas, cabbages, melons, yeast, and avocados.

Improves blood clotting

The vitamin K can help in faster blood clotting, preventing major loss of blood from the body. Thus, it speeds up the rate of healing of wounds. This organic vitamin can be found in whole grains, green veggies, and cod-liver oil.

Energy booster

Every type of vitamin can boost the energy of a person. Thus, good organic vitamins are very important in the growing years. During these years, people must drink milk and eat vitamin-rich food items, like livers, kidneys, green leafy veggies and more.

Better healing of wounds and infections

Organic vitamins are useful to fight infections resulting from wounds and the likes. Vitamin B5 helps in the faster healing of wounds, both internal and external, and helps in cellular regeneration. Foods that include Vitamin B5 are eggs, kidneys, and livers, fish etc.

As you can see, organic vitamins are very useful and better than inorganic vitamins in many aspects. Vitamins are very beneficial for the health of humans. Organic vitamins can be found in a variety of plants and animals. These are very much required for growth and maintenance of the body and the various biological processes.

You might have come across synthetic vitamins, natural vitamins and organic vitamins for women and wondered if they are all essentially the same. Synthetic vitamins mainly consist of synthetic ingredients, meaning, they could have undergone a chemical process that led to their production. Most synthetic vitamins are made up of purely chemical ingredients, but it is possible to find synthetic vitamins mixed with natural ingredients, too. In fact, this is starting to be a trend nowadays, perhaps, in response to the demand to use natural materials.

Natural vitamins, if you must know, contain natural ingredients that may not necessarily be organically grown and which may contain other components that are not all-natural. Although the components are made from natural sources, they could have been chemically processed. Organic vitamins, on the other hand, are vitamins made up of ingredients that are both organically grown and prepared.

Synthetic vitamins have become hugely popular in the past because of their effectiveness and their ability to provide more visible results at a lesser time. Sad to say, the chemical components of synthetic vitamins would have some consequences in the long run. Chemicals can pool in the colon, eventually, and that can mean more bad news for you. People who do not want to compromise their health are now seeking healthier alternatives and these they have found in natural vitamins and organic vitamins for women.

You have to be very careful when buying natural or organic vitamins, though, because there are so many of them invading the market nowadays that you cannot be 100% certain that you are dealing with a reliable product or one that is only made to appear reliable but is actually not. Before you buy anything, look at the label – make sure the vitamins are certified as 100% organic (meaning, not a single component is synthetic) by credible certifying agencies and that they are regulated and authorized for distribution to the public. It’s not enough for a manufacturer to claim that the product is made with natural or organic ingredients; if it is so, then it has to be duly certified. Look for customer reviews and testimonials, and research on the product as much as you can. It may be time-consuming, but it’s going to be worth it in the end.

You also have to ensure that the supplement contains all the vitamins and minerals appropriate to your age. Generally, important vitamins and minerals for women include Vitamin A, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, iron, calcium and magnesium. Aging women would also need Vitamin K and Omega-3 fatty acids to maintain good heart health, while pregnant women require a good amount of folic acid to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Vitamins usually come in the form of pills, tablets, or gels, but many manufactures have also started to consider the reduced swallowing reflex that usually comes with age, thus you would find many vitamins for women appearing in liquid form also.

Many naturopathic doctors and experts say that you won’t be needing vitamins in the form of pills of you are consuming the right foods because certain foods already consist of vitamins that your body needs. The problem is, you may not have access to each and every one of these foods, and that could mean depriving your body of the needed nutrients. Thus, organic vitamins for women would prove to be of great benefit to you.

People lead hectic lives and often neglect following a balanced diet. They spend money on vitamin supplements to substitute for the lack of essential nutrients that is normally available in food. Most supplements are manufactured synthetically and contain calcium citrate, calcium carbonate and various chemicals which are derived from rocks, coral and seashells. There are no chemical compounds found in organic vitamins. Our bodies are able to consume natural foods and not built to handle synthetic supplements that do not get absorbed in the body.

It may be a good idea to take supplements if your body is deficient in some minerals and vitamins. However, it does not work as well for people that wish to boost the immunity system or avoid heart problems. It is necessary to continue taking water soluble vitamins such as vitamin B and C as they are flushed out of the body easily. This is the reason why organic supplements are a better choice. You remain healthy and ensure that your body gets the right nutrients.

Advantages of using organic supplements:

Vitamin deficiencies are found in nearly 90% of people and the way to counteract this is to take organic herbal supplements and liquid vitamins.

Bodybuilders regularly take these types of supplements for developing their bodies. It is important to take the recommended dose for best results.

Look for certified organic supplements as they are absorbed by the body easily as against synthetic supplements which are absorbed by only 10% in the body. Organic supplements that are certified are 100% organic.

Most of the additives used in synthetic vitamin supplements give a metallic taste whereas organic vitamins do not isolate the ingredients. Synthetic supplements contain chemicals whereas organic supplements contain whole foods.

Homeopathy minerals are also found in organic supplements. We should try to eat more seeds, grains and nuts. Organic vitamins offer good substitutes for these items for people who do not consume these foods regularly. Organic supplements use a formula that is lacto-vegetarian. They do not contain additives, chemicals or any synthetic ingredients.

Most people are unaware of organic supplements and their health benefits. They are available in health stores though they are not as easy to come across as stores that sell synthetic supplements. The products that you purchase should be approved by USDA organic. It is important to look for certified stores or suppliers. The other point to remember is to take only the recommended dosage as it is possible to suffer from side effects if an overdose is taken. Vitamins that are water soluble do not give rise to side effects as other vitamin and mineral supplements.

It is important to remember that supplements do not replace a balanced diet and therefore it is important to eat healthy foods. Avoid foods that are processed and gorge on fruits and fresh salads daily. Maintain a diet that is balanced and healthy to ensure that your body gets all the nutrition it needs. Foods naturally grown on organic farms are the best foods to eat as they are not exposed to pesticides.