How To Make Your Betta Fish Happy With 5 Enrichment Ideas

Another significant sign of a healthy and happy fish is a good physical appearance. If your fish has white spots or imperfections on its body, broken or irregular fins and / or very bulging eyes, it probably won’t go so well in its aquatic environment. Brightly colored scales and intact fins that move freely without any indication of damage are what you want to see in your fish. We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to use clean, filtered water in your aquarium.

At normal temperature we keep most tropical fish, the disc is stressed and withers slowly and dies. Colored fish need colder temperatures and if they stay well above 75 degrees they can get stressed. Another positive sign of a happy and healthy fish is to socialize well with other creatures in the aquarium. If a fish shows signs of aggression or has a territorial character, it may indicate that it is not happy in its aquatic environment. Some fish are aggressive by nature, in which case you don’t have to worry unless your hostility negatively affects the other fish in the tank. A golden fish or something larger than 4 inches or so will likely eat your tropical fish.

This allows the fish to acclimatize to both the temperature and the parameters of the tank. Carefully make some water in a sink, but make sure there is enough water left to dive in the fish, lower the bag into your tank and let the fish swim and enter your tank. Buddy Cleaning – You can keep the Plecos and Cory cats clean with your Goldfish to keep your aquarium clean. The pests feed on the algae, so it helps remove the algae from your aquarium and Cory cats are bottom feeds to keep the gravel clean.

If the fish are so stressed, immediately bring them to better water conditions. Act fast: if you are in doubt too much, you will probably lose all fish. Having enough space for free swimming and exploration in an aquarium is essential for the health and happiness of fish. A crowded tank not only increases the stress and aggression on fish, but also increases the risk of illness and even death! Limit fish to one (about 2-4 centimeters long) per gallon of water, if possible.

They don’t have to walk and are cheaper to take care of than other pets without the high food and veterinary bills. Fish is quite low maintained, although you have to spend time keeping the tank and water in good condition. If the water seems or smells cloudy, take action and treat it, instead of waiting for your fish to get sick. Fish is also known as stress relief and research shows that the relaxing act of seeing them swim quietly and without conflict will lower blood pressure. It’s been hanging there for four years, so you have to do something right. The same general tank care rules that apply to other tropical fish also apply to cichlids.

Once your tank is in use, the care and maintenance required to keep it running should not take much time. Only an hour a week is sufficient, perhaps less depending on the size of the tank. Obviously, the exception is here if you have live plants in your tank. However, live plants will absorb các loại cá thủy sinh many of the nutrients algae need to survive, and in themselves they can control algae levels. Poor tank maintenance is one of the main reasons tropical fish die too quickly. Here are 6 things you can do to increase your chances of happy, healthy fish and a great looking aquarium.

As a last resort, you can buy a special water cleaning agent from your aquarium or pet store. Exfoliators have a rough path to remove algae and a sharper edge to remove stubborn debris. Work from bottom to top, drop the algae on the tank floor and then vacuum it with an aquarium siphon. Algae consume oxygen that your fish and aquarium plants need to survive, so remove the green dots as soon as you see them.

Only use aquarium gravel sold in an animal or water shop that contains stones that do not change the chemistry of water or release harmful substances into the water. Rinse the new gravel in a clean bucket or sieve (without soap) under cold tap water to remove dirt or solid dust before adding it to your aquarium. Some fish that live in the background, such as fishing, prefer a fine substrate such as sand, so consider the suitability for your fish and ask for advice if you are unsure. Use your gravel vacuum to run some water into a large bucket. It is suggested not to remove the fish from the tank as it may cause stress for your fish.

Follow the instructions in your specific kit to help maintain your tank. Buy a fairly good filter to keep your water clean and oxygenated. Clean your filter regularly and replace it if it doesn’t work properly. Having air in the water is just as necessary for your fish as air in your, um, air. So don’t buy the cheapest and most annoying filter you can find and make sure it works properly. This is one of the most important ways to keep your fish happy.

Excess food is not only not healthy for fish and can cause disease, it pollutes the tank and can cause spikes in the above chemicals. It can also help cause unwanted situations such as algae overgrowth or pest slag outbreak.


